Looking To Buy A Fish Aquarium

If you're looking to buy a fish aquarium, you can rely on our expertise to make sure you do it right. If you've ever walked past a marvelously-presented aquarium in a place of business or upscale home, and dreamed about having one in your own personal space, you should know that the beauty and tranquility inherent in a beautiful aquarium takes some know-how. This is where excel. We are experts in recommending the correct aquarium setup from small to large, and have been doing it for over forty years.
Buying a fish aquarium requires an understanding of not just how to set it up properly, but you also need to know which type of fish can cohabitate with each other and what type of water levels you need to maintain. Knowing how to maintenance the aquarium once it is set up is another essential. Depending on the size and design of the initial aquarium, our experts can provide the best advice to ensure that your fish live a long time, and your aquarium stays beautiful.
Here are a few initial tips that beginners often overlook when trying to set up an aquarium on their own:
  • When people look to buy a fish aquarium, many unknowingly purchase a glass receptacle meant as a habitat for other pets, such as a lizard or turtle. Aquariums should be well-sealed, and are very different to abodes for other types of aquatic life. Make sure you choose carefully.
  • People assume that a small aquarium is easier to clean than a big one. This is actually often untrue. A larger aquarium can actually be easier to maintain, as long as it is set up correctly.
  • Many people try to cram too many fish into their aquarium when they first set it up. Overcrowding is one of the first ways beginners upset the fragile ecosystem that is set up in a successful aquarium. Our experts can make sure you choose the right number and type of fish for the aquarium you set up.
  • When trying to buy a fish aquarium, beginners also tend to overcrowd the water using too many plants or rocks, pirate ships or other decorative objects. Make sure your fish have places to hide from perceived predators, but also have plenty of space to swim around. Would you rather live in an open space or feel confined and crowded in a small one?
  • Fish-keeping takes some education. Many tanks suffer from 'new tank syndrome.' We show you how to deal with this effectively.
  • Inappropriate medication usage once you buy a fish aquarium for fish is yet another beginner trap. Does your new fish have scale rot, or fungal infection? We can help treat the beginning symptoms of an unhealthy fish right away so that she stays alive and kicking, or...well, swimming.
  • African Cichlids will often kill their North American cousins in a tank - did you know that? Knowing how to partner or group fish is essential to overall aquarium health. Let us help you make sure you aren't feeding one set of expensive fish to another.

Caring For Your Aquarium

If you are developing an aquarium or already have one, you need to consider what to put in it besides fish. Live aquarium plants are a must to make your fish feel at home, have a natural look and to keep the level of nitrates down.
But how do you care for them? It is not as hard as you think, here is how I care for my aquarium plants with amazing success.
Live plants are a must for any aquarium. Not only do they make your aquarium look natural but they help to keep the nitrates down also. The only other way to keep nitrates down is to remove them when you replace the water in your aquarium.
My Plants
I have several different types of plants in my aquarium which make it look natural, remove the nitrates and my fish love them, especially the Kissing Gourami and the Three Dot Blue Gourami which come from areas in Southeast Asia dense with aquatic plants.
I have in my aquarium some Amazon Swords, bamboo, Water Wisteria and a couple of Nano Marimo.
Aquarium plants are easy to care for. Once a week when I replace 10% of the water in my 75-gallon aquarium, I take the time to care fro my plants. I trim the dead leaves so that they do not decay and contaminate the water and I also trim back the excess growth.
There are some plants that you can trim back the excess growth and plant that excess growth for more plants. I have a gravel substrate that works just fine as a planting medium for my plants.
The plants need light. I have a fluorescent
light that sits on the top cover that provides the needed light for twelve hours a day. I have it on a timer that automatically comes on in the morning and off at night.
Nutrients are important for your aquarium plants. They need both macronutrients and micronutrients in order to thrive.
  • Macronutrients - You really do not need to focus on providing your plants with these since your aquarium will naturally provide these. This group of nutrients consists of nitrates, phosphates and sulfates which naturally occur in your aquarium.
  • Micronutrients - These are the nutrients you need to add to your aquarium to keep your plants healthy and disease free. These micronutrients consist of copper, manganese, boron, iron, zinc and calcium. I get the micronutrients from my local my pet store and add them once a week after I replace the water.

Ways to Increase Betta Fish Lifespan

Every day, thousands of people are losing their Betta fish to various diseases. And many of these diseases can be easily avoided. With the vast amount of research that goes into keeping Betta fish healthy, it's any wonder these beautiful fish do not live for many more years. In this article, I will discuss the variable to keeping your Betta fish happy and healthy.
Follow these steps for success:
1. Water temperature. It is important to understand where these fish come from. Betta's are tropical fish that are originally known as Japanese fighter fish. Because of the warm climate that they are so accustomed to, it's important that you provide them with water that is warm. Temperatures ranging from 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. Make sure that you meet these needs. If you decide to disregard these requirements, your Betta fish will die!
2. Water cleanliness. This might sound obvious to you, but it's important. Don't get lazy here. You need to keep their water clean of bacteria and disease. I suggest that you clean their tank once every two weeks. That might seem like a big commitment, but it's your responsibility to make sure they are healthy. Purchase a quality water filter that meets the requirements.
3. Amount of food they eat. If you don't want your pet Betta to die, I suggest that you do not feed them to often. You see, these tropical fish can go days without food. However, you still want to feed them ever other day. Feeding them once a day is fine also, just make sure that you do not overfeed them. Make sure that the food they eat is good for them. Pellets are great, but keep in mind that it might take some time for them to get accustomed to this type of food. In fact, it might be a good idea to try flakes at first. Then, with time, ease into using pellets instead.
Following the above steps is extremely important for your Betta's health. If you be careful and follow these guidelines, your Betta will have a much higher chance of living up to 7 years old. In fact, these fish have been known to live as many as 8 years. However, people usually don't take good care of these fish, which results in lifespans of 2-3 years instead. I hope this article has helped you with caring for your pet fish.
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